Wednesday, October 7, 2015

No More...It's time to stop domestic and sexual violence.

12.7 million people are physically abused, raped or stalked by their partners in one year.  That's approximately the populations of New York & Los Angeles combined.  That's 24 people every minute.
Because it's someone you kNOw.

Think domestic/sexual violence isn't a big deal? That it's "their problem" and that you shouldn't get involved? That the victim can just get out at any time and he or she is simply choosing to stay in an abusive situation? Well, I'm here to tell you, you're wrong.  It's time to put a stop to domestic and sexual violence. Together, we can stand up and say No More.

+ About every 9 seconds a woman in the US is assaulted or beaten. And every day at least 3 women are murdered by their husbands or boyfriends.

+ Domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women - more than car accidents, muggings, and rape...COMBINED.

+ Studies estimate that nearly 10 MILLION children witness some form of domestic violence.

+ Men who, as children, witnessed domestic violence in their home are twice as likely to abuse their wives than men from nonviolent households.

Still think this issue doesn't concern you? I'm still going to tell you that you're wrong. No one should be a victim of domestic violence. A lot of times it's easy for us to look at a victim and say "Why does she stay with him?" or  "Why doesn't he just leave her?" But instead, we should be asking, "Why is he abusing her?" and "How can we help him get out of this abusive situation?" Because abuse is NEVER the fault of victim, and ALWAYS the responsibility of the perpetrator. Because abuse is all about power. And many times, the victim is conditioned (like Pavlov's experiment with the dogs) to believe that he or she is powerless to do anything, especially leave.

Together, we can make a difference.  Together, we can stand up and say No More. Because domestic/sexual violence is not ok.

The great thing about the internet, is that there a thousand ways to get involved right at our fingertips. But to save you the few seconds of typing "stop domestic violence" into your preferred search engine, here are some great resources to get started doing your part to end domestic/sexual violence:

No More: Take the pledge to help end domestic and sexual violence

National Coalition Against Domestic Violence

Stop Violence Against Women

Here's a list of 20 groups committed to stopping domestic violence

So, now that I've done the work for you, you have absolutely no excuse to not get involved and help put an end to domestic/sexual violence.

Because it's someone you know. 

Because love shouldn't hurt. 

Because no one deserves to be a victim.

Because you have a voice. 
And I have a voice. 
And together, we can use our voices to do great things.

Dreaming of a world where domestic/sexual violence is eradicated,

(all the stats listed in the beginning of this post were taken from:

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