Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Short People Problems

Ever wonder what it's like for those of us who are, maybe, a little vertically challenged? Well never fear. I am here to share with you some of my real life short people problems.

(disclaimer 1: all of these things have actually happened to me. I am not making any of them up.
 disclaimer 2: None of these pictures are of me. The internet is a magical place where you can find pictures of basically anything you could possibly want.)

1. Having to look to everyone but those who are also vertically challenged. Including the 5th graders at your church. Who like to ask you how tall you are, only to tell you that they are 2 inches taller.
2. Getting sat upon. Think Princess Diaries esque "oh, sorry didn't see you there". 

3. AND I've gotten stepped on. With the same reason as #2.
4. Ever gotten lost in a crowd? Or lost whomever you're with because you just can't see over everyone else's heads to find him or her? Yeah. That happens like every time I'm in a crowded place.
5. Learning how to sneakily climb the shelves in a grocery store because it is INEVITABLE that you need something on the top shelf, and it is IMPOSSIBLE to reach. 

6. Being asked if you're "even tall enough to ride all of the rides at an amusement park?"

7. Getting asked your height on an all too frequent basis, only to be followed with a "wow. I'm [insert number] inches taller than you." Cool. What do you want? A Medal? Congratulations. You're taller than a short person!

8. Never EVER in the history of everdom being able to buy pants that aren't too long. Even the pants that are marketed for short people. Nope. Still too long.

9. Being able to wear whatever heel height you want because 5 inch heels mean you'll finally be of average height!
10. Pretty sure this is one of my favorite hysterical things that have happened to me. I was at a Civil Wars show (the band, not the actual war. If you don't know who they are, you should TOTALLY check them out. Their harmonies are AMAZING. And they have a new album coming out today! Listen to their first single from their new album here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MnkM_ebv9BI )

Anyway, so we were at this show, and we were like 2 rows from touching the stage. It was a pretty packed show. And I learned an important lesson that night. Apparently short people double as camera tripods. No joke, some man I did not know proceeded to rest his camera on my head to take pictures. 

So now that you know some of my short people problems, tell me yours!


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