Thursday, September 4, 2014

For those going back to school.... (and really everyone else as well)

My nieces both started Kindergarten last week. Which is so hard to believe. These past 5 years have flown by! I remember being at the hospital when they were born and now....

At any rate, there are a few life lessons that I've learned over the years that I hope to teach Vi and Emmers as they start the life of school-aged kiddo. So, without any further introduction or rabbit trail into nostalgia-land, here are my little wisdoms, with the help of some of my closest friends (thanks guys!)  for the girls as they start school (and for anyone in school, or, really, for life in general.)

#1. ALWAYS be kind. To EVERYONE.  You are going to meet so many different people. God made each person unique. Some people might seem weird or strange to you. Be kind to them. Be kind to everyone. Some of your schoolmates will make fun of others. Don't. Don't join in. Be a friend to everyone. Be kind to everyone. Accept everyone.

#2. Be strong.  Don't give in to peer pressure. Don't follow the crowd. Just because everyone else is popping their polo collars doesn't mean you have to. Be strong. Be who you are. Don't pretend to be someone else just to fit in. Don't join in with the crowd that's saying mean things about the new girl. Be strong.

#3. Don't worry about being popular. This kind of goes along with #2. I know it's hard to believe, but being popular really doesn't matter. Find a good group of friends. A group of friends who won't identify you by the label on your clothes, or the money in your parent's bank account, or the words you speak. A group of friends who has a blast together, encourages each other, acts like total dorks together. A group of friends that doesn't even know about the house parties, let alone gets invited to them.
#4. Slow down. Don't rush. Enjoy. This one may be hard for those of you in school, especially Jr. High (I SO don't miss those days) to believe, but life goes by quickly. We spend so much of our lives waiting and hoping and rushing to get the next stage that we forget to enjoy the place we are in.  Don't rush. All too soon it will be over and you will be on to your next adventure.  Get involved in clubs. Go to school dances and sporting events.  Enjoy the experience. You'll never get those opportunities again.
#5. Try new things. Don't let fear keep you from great experience. Again, this kind of goes with #4. Trying new things can be scary. Auditioning for that part in the school play is terrifying. Trying out for that sports team is intimidating. Be bold. Try new things. Don't let fear keep you from having some awesome life experiences. You'll never know what you can do if you don't try.
#6. Always remember that you are AMAZING. You are beautiful and wonderful and amazing. Don't let anyone ever make you feel differently. Sometimes people will be mean. Sometimes you'll get picked on, or bullied, or made fun. And that sucks. People can cruel. But always remember this, even if you don't remember anything else, YOU ARE AMAZING BECAUSE YOU ARE YOU. You aren't who those people say you are. You are fearfully and wonderfully made exactly as God wanted you to be. And that makes you a beautiful, wonderful, amazing masterpiece done by the Master Artist.

-Aunt Licia

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