Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Life Update!

Back in October, I posted about my life and a few things that I really needed to focus on fixing. So for any of you that care about it is.

The first one was oversleeping.

This is still a HUGE problem for me. I just literally struggle to get out of bed in the morning, no matter how much sleep I've had. For some reason it's entirely logical to hit snooze every 5 minutes from 6:30 to the last possible minute. Now that my hair is short and requires time to actually style and is incapable of just being thrown into a quick bun, I expect my morning routine to change drastically. I hope.

Then I mentioned my caffeine intake.

This one I have greatly improved on. I am down to 1-2 cups of coffee most days. This is a huge deal for me because I just genuinely love coffee. And I was drinking 4-5 cups a day. I haven't really gotten into drinking green tea as a substitute, I just cut my afternoon cup of something basically out completely. I also have pretty much eradicated soda from my diet. I'll drink some occasionally, but now that I'm used to not drinking it, I don't enjoy it nearly as much when I do. Yay for progress!

Another area of vast improvement is my eating habits. I'm like literally a whole new person when it comes to eating. I've started making a smoothie for breakfast just about every morning that has acai berry juice, non-fat Greek yogurt, flax seed, chia seed, and whatever other healthy ingredients I have on hand at the time. For lunch a lot of days at the office I'll have homemade granola and yogurt, or oatmeal with cranberries and almonds. I reach for healthier options like whole grain crackers and fruit for snacks. I don't eat fast food nearly as often, either.

The last thing I mentioned in that October post was going to the gym. This is the area that I've had the most progress in for sure. I work out at least 3 days a week. The buddy system works, guys! My friend and I push each other to do just one more stay focused and reach our goals. And I'm definitely seeing results and really excited to keep going!

So there you have it. Some things I've greatly improved on, and others still need a little more focus and attention. So here is to 2014 being the best year yet!


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