A person with a dream. That's all it takes to impact the world. Jennifer Strain of Good Fortune Soap & Spa is one such person. You can read about her remarkable journey of starting her own company here, and you should, because stories like this are best told from the person her/himself.
I've been a huge fan of this company's products for a few years now, and I have used many of their different soaps and lotions. I've recently started switching over my skin care products to theirs, as well. Let me tell you, they produce very high quality skin care products, and I've loved every single thing I've ever tried.
The great things about companies like Good Fortune is that they don't just make great products, they impact the world. Jennifer's company is very active in different charities and ministries, some of which you can find here.
And it's so easy for us to impact the world through companies like this. Most of us use soap and skin care products of some sort. So why not use or spending power in an ethical way? Check out Good Fortune Soap & Spa's amazing line of products, and start trying some out! We can be the change we wish to see in the world, as Gandhi so famously challenged, by making simple choices like buying every day products from companies that are rooted in ethical, charitable business practices.
I don't know about you, but I would rather know that I'm using my spending power to impact peoples' lives, instead of funding some CEO's 3rd vacation home. And supporting companies like Good Fortune that provide amazing products, while doing just that....those are companies that I love.
Loving the simple ways to change the world,
(Disclaimer: yet again, this post is my own opinion of a company that I stumbled upon. I am in no way associated with Good Fortune, Jennifer Strain, or anyone associated with the company, nor was I asked to promote it. I just really like it, and want you too, as well!)